Regret is bitter, especially when you miss the opportunity of a lifetime. With life being only a handful of moments that flash by in an instant, it’s critical that you take advantage of all the time you have left, especially when it comes to building up your investment portfolio. 2020 may have been a tough year for everyone, but the real estate sector is better than ever and is projected to witness significant improvements during 2021. Here are a couple of opportunities that you should be looking into if you are serious about making money real estate investments this year.
When You Start, Start Small
There’s nothing wrong with starting small if you’re just a beginner. Tame your ego and start learning how to do the work properly. You can start in real estate investment with a small contribution through a platform called Diversity Fund. You can use this platform to invest as little as $500 and plant the first seed of your fortune so that it can gradually grow.
Residential Property Investments On the Rise
It may surprise you to find out that the pandemic hasn’t really been that bad to the residential property market at all. As a matter of fact, experts are beginning to argue that it has actually strengthened some parts of the market that may not have been as vibrant as before. One example is the suburban market, which has witnessed an increase in demand due to city residents fleeing congestion in urban centers due to the pandemic. This trend has increased property prices in many suburban areas throughout the country and has been a source of revitalization. But that’s not the only trend that investors should be examining. Vacation rentals have also proven to be a vital source of return on investments and are projected to stay strong during 2021. You definitely won’t regret putting your money into the vacation rental business, but the only issue you may face is that it is this particular sector of the residential market that can only be profitable during some parts of the year, not throughout the entire year. Plans your investments wisely.
Look into Industrial Properties
There’s nothing that smells just as good as that the money that can be made on industrial properties. If you’re seeking properties that can do warehousing, manufacturing, or production, then these are the best types of industrial properties that you will find in the market and these are the ones that are the most profitable. The trend is due to the rising e-commerce market which has proven itself to be profitable because of the pandemic. Since consumers are more focused on self-isolating at home, the demand for online orders has increased and this is why online retailers and other companies want to put more money in storage facilities to keep extra merchandise to meet the rising demand. So if you invest in industrial properties during 2021, you can’t lose.
Vacant Land Entails Big Risks with Big Returns
Now, it’s time to talk about getting involved in even bigger projects. Vacant land is an investment that experts say is going to be vital in the market throughout 2021, but as an opportunity, it needs someone who has experience in the real estate investment industry. Along with investments comes a number of other issues that you would have to deal with like building and developing services on the land to make a profit, in addition to legal restrictions on zoning and construction requirements. These are the issues that need to be sorted out and you need to have the know-how for it. One real estate investment firm that deals with this particular area is the Toll Brothers (TOL), which highly regarded for its role in luxury properties.