When it comes to available federal programs, there are many options, and each option can assist in its own way. We want to highlight two options that can assist Americans that need it. These programs are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
With these two programs, people can receive a lot of support and may have an easier time qualifying than they expect. You might be able to gain from one of these options and not even know it!
Over $4,000 is Available Every Month to Certain Americans
What’s important to keep in mind about the following programs is that their intent is to help people who actually need assistance. That is why there is information that you will want to keep in mind like eligibility criteria, amount of available benefits, and so on. First, let’s take a look at SSI!
Supplemental Security Income (SSI): A Definition
SSI is an assistance option provided by the federal government. The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is the agency that is responsible for the program’s management. This program was established to assist seniors or people with disabilities as long as they have low income or restricted resources. The program helps recipients through cash assistance which allows recipients to use these funds on basic needs that include food, housing, clothes, and so on. The most you can get in 2025 is up to $967 for an individual but it could be more than that if you are a couple. If you are a couple applying for SSI then you could receive up to $1,450!
Who Meets The Eligibility Requirements?
Unfortunately, not everyone will be eligible for this assistance option. Rather, only people that have an eligible citizenship status and have restricted resources/income that meet at least one of following requirements may be eligible:
- Have an eligible disability
- Be at least the age of 65
- Be blind
Other requirements can influence your eligibility such as your marital status or certain people in your home.
Applying for SSI: How To Do It
If you are interested in applying for the SSI program, you should look through the eligibility requirements before you begin your application. You can look through the eligibility requirements online. You can also contact the SSA for anything you want to ask about through a phone call! Once you verify the eligibility requirements, you can apply in several ways. This includes online, on the phone, or in person.
It is important to remember that you might not be able to apply with all of these methods. Your area might have a different process compared to another area. A good rule of thumb is to apply as early as possible since applications for the SSI are free!
Important Information You Need For Your Application
When you are going through the application process, you will likely need to offer information. Some information that you will need to offer includes:
- Personal details such as your name and social security number
- Your birthday
- The mailing address and phone number of the person want to receive SSI
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI): What Is It?
SSDI offers benefits to people and their qualifying family members if they are insured. To be insured, a person should meet work requirements. They also need to have paid Social Security taxes on what their wages were. They also need to have an eligible disability! The most you can get from this program is up to $4,018 per month.
The Application Process for SSDI
If you are interested in benefiting from the SSDI program, you will need to apply. You have the option to apply in several ways including online, on the phone, or in person.
Typically, the disability benefits application process will look something like this:
- Gather all the information and documents to apply.
- Once you gather the information, you can finish your application since the applications are free!
- The SSA will look through your application to decide if you are eligible. This includes meeting eligibility requirements, checking your employment history, looking through work, current activities, and more.
- Your application will process and then go to the Disability Determination Services office in your state.
- Finally, your state agency will make the disability determination to figure out if you are eligible.
If the program makes a decision that you disagree with, you have the right to appeal. However, you need to write the appeal within 60 days of getting your decision.
Important Information for Your Application
When you are working on your application, you will want to be prepared to present information. This includes personal information, medical conditions, and employment information.
When it comes to personal information, you can present to offer details such as:
- Your birth date and Social Security number
- Names and birth information of children that is younger than the age of 18
- Financial data
- Spousal personal information such as their date of birth, marital information, etc
When it comes to your medical condition, you need to present details such as:
- Personal information of an individual that knows about your medical condition.
- Detailed medical condition information such as your doctor’s names, medications, medical procedure dates, and so on.
Finally, when it comes to the employment information that you need to present, you will need to offer details such as:
- How much you earned in the current and previous year
- Personal information such the name and address of all of your superiors or employers from the past two years
- A list that consists of the employment dates for up to five jobs that you have worked in the past 15 years before you could not work
- Information about workers’ compensation or other similar benefits that have been filed (or information on cases that you plan on filing)
The Final Verdict
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a wide range of assistance options available to help people who need it. Two of these programs are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Each of these programs offers support to eligible individuals. The details of this program such as whom they help and how much they can help recipients will differ. In 2025, some Americans could receive checks worth $4,018 a month which is the maximum SSDI benefit! If you have any questions, call your local Social Security office and they will take good care of you!